ICC21 (Summer)

The 1st version of Imperial Computing Conference (ICC)  took place in July 8th 2021 with the purpose to bring together academia and industry, providing an opportunity for new insights into research and industry applications. It was held virtually. 

Murray Shanahan

Professor at Imperial College London and Senior Research Scientist at DeepMind

Marily Nika

AR Product Lead at Google and Teaching Fellow at Harvard University

Alastair Donaldson

Professor at Imperial College London


Konstantinos Barmpas 

(PhD Student)

Alex Spies

(PhD Student)

Harry Coppock

(PhD Student)

Dominika Woszczyk

(PhD Student)

Nihir Vedd 

(PhD Student)

Athanasios Vlontzos

(PhD Student)

Turkay Kart

(PhD Student)

Borja Gonzalez Leon

(PhD Student)

Antonio Fillieri

(Academic Staff)

Amani El-Kholy

(Academic Staff)